All Media Interviews (2014)
TV, print, online, and more
Healio/Endocrine Today (www.healio.com). Commentary in “Self-reported exercise assessments offer clue to cardiometabolic risks” about using “exercise vital signs” as part of routine care to assess cardiometabolic risk in patients, December 22, 2014
Diabetic Living. Interviewed by Hope Warshaw in “Prediabetes: Fight back and win” about using exercise to prevent or reverse prediabetes, p. 36, Winter 2014
Diabetes Daily (www.diabetesdaily.com). Interviewed by Ginger Vieira in “Exercising with diabetes: New resource helps educate on blood sugar management” about my new web site to help people exercise safely with diabetes, November 11, 2014
Today's Dietitian (www.todaysdietitian.com). Interviewed by Juliann Schaeffer in “Best holiday desserts for diabetes patients” about how to avoid the holiday eating pitfalls with diabetes (including my own personal diabetes-friendly pumpkin pie recipe), November 2014
The Virginian-Pilot (www.pilotonline.com). Interviewed by Elizabeth Simpson in “Lessons of the fall” about reducing falls in people with diabetes with exercise, Sunday front page, p. A1 & A17, November 2, 2014
SMARTER Team Training (www.smarterteamtraining.com). Interviewed by Rob Taylor for iHeart Radio podcast about athletes with type 1 diabetes and achieving optimal performance, September 25, 2014
The Sisterhood of Diabetes: Facing Challenges and Living Dreams. (thesisterhoodofdiabetes.com). Interviewed by Judith Jones Ambrosini as one of 38 female athletes with type 1 diabetes sharing inspiration for everyone, “Chapter 10: Dr. Sheri Colberg-Ochs: She Does It All!,” Kalindi Press (Chino Valley, AZ), p. 210-217, 2014
Healio/Endocrinology Today (www.healio.com). Interviewed by Susan McCabe in "Exercise of any kind benefits patients with diabetes, people at risk" at the AADE meeting, August 7, 2014
The Diabetes Experience (diabetes.sanofi.us). Interviewed by Jessica Cassity in "Stretching it!" about about the importance of stretching for people with diabetes, June 1, 2014
The Globe and Mail (Toronto) (www.theglobeandmail.com). Interviewed by Shereen Jegtvig in “’Bursts of exercise may help control blood sugar” about new research on exercise and meal effects, May 19, 2014
Reuters Health (www.reuters.com). Interviewed by Shereen Jegtvig in “’Exercise snacks’ may help control blood sugar” about new research on exercise and meal effects, May 15, 2014
Everyday Health (www.everydayhealth.com). Interviewed by Madeleine Vann in "Ramp up your type 1 diabetes workout" about how people with type 1 diabetes can revamp their workouts, May 7, 2014
Today's Dietitian (www.todaysdietitian.com). Featured in the “Get to Know” monthly section giving readers a glimpse into the lives of some intriguing and accomplished people in the field of nutrition, April 2014
Diabetes Insight. Interviewed by John Anderson about what’s new in physical activity (such as high-intensity interval training and an emphasis on balance training) as part of an audio CME program, co-produced by the ADA and the Audio-Digest Foundation, Volume 5, Issue 8, April 7, 2014
The Relationship Workshop with Jacie & Jeep, Sirius XM Road Dog Channel 128. Interviewed by Jacie and Jeep about how to reverse the course of type 2 diabetes, April 4, 2014
Hope, Healing and Wellbeing (webtalkradio.net), WebTalk Radio. Interviewed by Mary Treacy O’Keefe about dieting and weight loss in people with type 2 diabetes, March 31, 2014
Problems and Solutions (www.problemsandsolutions.net). Interviewed by Cathy Blythe, radio host of “Problems & Solutions,” about losing weight for good with type 2 diabetes on Three Eagles Radio Network, based in Lincoln, NE, and airing on 8 sister stations in NE, SD, IA, and MN, March 14, 2014
Everyday Health (www.everydayhealth.com). Interviewed by Madeleine Vann Madeleine Vann in “10 reasons to stay active with diabetes” about the health benefits of exercise for people with type 2 diabetes, March 14, 2014
American Media/National Enquirer (www.nationalenquirer.com). Interviewed and very liberally “quoted” by John Blosser in “Exclusive! Ticking Time Bomb Paula Deen Boozing & Binge Eating” about the potential health consequences of an unnamed 67-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes experiencing a lifestyle relapse, March 10, 2014
Insulin Nation (insulinnation.com). Interviewed by Courtney Naliboff “A half century with T1: Four profiles in courage” about the keys to longevity with type 1 diabetes, February 11, 2014
Diabetes in Control (www.diabetesincontrol.com). Interviewed in series of 11 “Mastery in Minutes” videos about motivating patients with diabetes to exercise and other related topics, Posted February 19, 2014
Canadian Running. Interviewed by Lindsey Craig in “Measuring progress” about using the latest technology to advance running with diabetes, January 30, 2014