All Media Interviews (2013)
TV, print, online, and more
Walgreens (www.walgreens.com). Interviewed by Denise Maher in “Smart strategies for weight loss with type 2 diabetes,” December 11, 2013
Diabetic Living (www.diabeticlivingonline.com). Interviewed by Caitlyn Diimig in "5 tips for indulging in holiday food: about fitness tips for keeping holiday weight gain at bay, December 2013
Upwave. Interviewed by Lexi Lampel in “No more BUTS: Sit less” about the effects of excessive sitting on joint pain, December 2013
Upwave. Interviewed by Holly St. Lifer in “Stop sitting—It’s really bad for you” about the benefits of breaking up sedentary activity to prevent and manage diabetes, November 2013
The Hampton Roads Show. Interviewed by Cheryl Tan about healthy living tips for managing diabetes and disease, 11:00 AM broadcast, November 6, 2013
Insulin Nation. Interviewed by Jeanne Muchnick in “Glucagon kits: lifesaving and frustrating” about the potential use of glucagon to treat hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetes, November 6, 2013
Insulin Nation (insulinnation.com). Interviewed by Jeanne Muchnick in “A user-friendly glucagon kit” about the benefits and future of shelf-stable glucagon to treat hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes, November 5, 2013
AARP The Magazine (www.aarp.org). Interviewed by Holly St. Lifer in “10 ways to lower your diabetes risk” about the benefits of resistance training and breaking up sedentary activity to prevent and manage diabetes, p. 27, October-November 2013
Men's Health (menshealth.com). Interviewed by Jessica Girdwain in “Is napping bad for your health?” about a new study showing an association between napping and diabetes in China, September 26, 2013
The Diabetes Experience (diabetes.sanofi.us). Interviewed by by Jessica Cassity in “Exercise Without Trying” about ways to easily increase daily physical movement, September 12, 2013
Diabetes Insight (www.audio-digest.org). Interviewed about how to prescribe exercise for people with diabetes as part of an audio CME program, co-produced by the ADA and the Audio-Digest Foundation, September 7, 2013
Women's Adventure (www.womensadventuremagazine.com). Interviewed by Casey Flynn about women’s issues related to exercising with any type of diabetes, Fall issue 2013
Everyday Health (www.everydayhealth.com). Interviewed by Madeleine Vann in “Foot care and exercise with diabetes” about keeping feet healthy, September 9, 2013
Diabetes Self-Management (www.diabetesselfmanagement.com). Interviewed by Deborah Sergeant in “Picking the right activity to meet your fitness goals” about the importance of exercise, September 2013
Diabetes Forecast (www.diabetesforecast.org). Interviewed by Erika Gebel Berg in “7 tips for starting to exercise” about the health benefits of exercise and getting started, August 2013
American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions - Book Signing (Exercise and Diabetes). Chicago, IL, June 22, 2013
Fox News (www.foxnews.com). Interviewed by Sushma Subramanian in “7 Ways to Cut Your Diabetes Risk” about resistance training and stress reduction to decrease diabetes risk, June 10, 2013
ABC News (www.abcnews.go.com). Interviewed by the editors of Women’s Health in “7 Ways to Cut Your Diabetes Risk” about resistance training and stress reduction to decrease diabetes risk, April 28, 2013
Health Monitor (www.healthmonitorcom). Interviewed by Dana Gottesman in “How to stay motivated with rheumatoid arthritis” about the importance of exercise, April 2013
Prevention magazine. Interviewed by Jenna Bergen about benefits of walking for people with diabetes, February 2013
Diabetes Forecast (www.diabetesforecast.org). Interviewed by Ginger Vieira in "You can exercise with neuropathy" about exercising safely with peripheral neuropathy, p. 30-32, February 2013
Diabetes Insight. Interviewed by John Anderson about physical activity as the forgotten tool for diabetes management as part of an audio CME program, co-produced by the ADA and the Audio-Digest Foundation, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 6, 2013