All Media Interviews (2012)
TV, print, online, and more
TuDiabetes Videochat (tudiabetes.org). Answered viewers’ questions during one-hour web videochat about diabetes and exercise, November 2, 2012
Reader's Digest (www.rd.com). Interviewed by Stephanie Woodard in “3 new rules to reverse diabetes” about exercise’s effects on insulin action (print and online), p. 89, November issue, 2012
Sister 2 Sister. Interviewed by Michelle Kulas about whether sugar causes diabetes and if people with diabetes can or should eat it, October issue, 2012
Health Monitor Network. Answered questions for diabetes magazine for “Ask the Experts” section, p. 48-49, September 2012
The Diabetes Experience (diabetes.sanofi.us/home). Interviewed by Jessica Cassity in “Exercise Without Trying” about ways to easily increase daily physical movement, September 26, 2012
Healthagy (healthagy.com). Interviewed by Julie D. Andrews in “3 ways to train smarter for better diabetes management,” September 2012
Diabetes Forecast (www.diabetesforecast.org). Interviewed by Lindsey Wahowiak in "Exercise tips for psyching up, keeping fresh" about how to motivate people with diabetes to be physically active, September 2012
JDRF Countdown magazine. Interviewed by Michelle Cissell in "Don't sweat it! Exercise and T1D" about managing exercise in individuals with type 1 diabetes, Fall issue, 2012
Diabetes in Control (www.diabetesincontrol.com). Interviewed in series of nine “Mastery in Minutes” videos about appropriate exercise and other physical activity concerns for patients with diabetes, July 14, 2012
With Good Reason. Interviewed by Sarah McConnell about Latino diabetes management on radio show airing on public radio stations in Virginia, Washington, D.C., Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, Indiana, Colorado, Georgia, Tennessee, Michigan, California, and Alaska, June 16, 2012
Optimal Clinical. Interviewed by Nahida Zaman in “Exercise and Diabetes: The Forgotten Tool” about exercise and diabetes management available as a podcast on an Internet television and radio station for diabetes healthcare professionals, June 7, 2012
International Diabetes (Beijing) (www.idiabetes.com.cn). Interviewed by Michael Armstrong (transcript in Chinese) about the importance of physical activity for people with diabetes, June 2012
Diabetic Living (www.diabeticliving.com). Interviewed by Hope Warshaw in “Diabetes health: Add resistance training to your workout” about the benefits of resistance training for people with diabetes, Summer 2012
Everyday Health (www.everydayhealth.com) magazine. Interviewed by Beth Orenstein in "6 great exercises for people with diabetes" about the best workouts, May 18, 2012
Yahoo! Health. Interviewed by Jenna Bergen in “The 3-Step Diabetes Exercise Solution” about the benefits of physical activity for diabetes prevention and management, May 14, 2012
Lifescript (www.lifescript.com). Interviewed by Carole Jacobs in “What’s the best diabetes meal plan?” about appropriate eating for people with diabetes, April 26, 2012
Real Age (www.realage.com). Interviewed by Winnie Yu Scherer in “8 best workouts for diabetes” slideshow of expert-recommended diabetes workouts, April 2012
Disney Family.com. Interviewed by Jacqueline Tourville in "People in the Know: Sports and type 1 diabetes” on Disney's Family Web site about managing sports participation in kids with type 1 diabetes, Spring 2012
Prevention (www.prevention.com). Interviewed by Alyssa Shaffer in "The exercise diabetes solution" about whether exercise can reverse type 2 diabetes and how it affects the body, March 2012
Diabetic Living. Interviewed by William Lee Dubois about the keys to managing diabetes with diet and exercise, p. 32-34, Spring 2012
Men's Health, UK/Europe edition. Interviewed by Brittany Kennedy about the benefits of strength training on glucose and glycogen metabolism in muscle, April issue, 2012
Parents magazine. Interviewed by Jeannette Moninger about things parents can do to lower their child’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes, Spring 2012
Fit 'n Style (Lebanon). Interviewed by Kristine Boujaoude about diabetic athletes and the benefits of exercise training for people with diabetes, February issue, 2012
Third Age.com. Interviewed in “Diabetes mellitus epidemic possible in future” about prevention of diabetes in overweight youth, January 2, 2012